Infowars, are you going to have me on your show before mainstream coverage?

Hi folks over at Infowars,

I've been a faithful listener to your show for a few years, occasionally passing on links to your stuff in our news:  

Like Alex, I too was awakened by reading "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" back in 1987, and I've been an activist ever since. I've made my mark in the world of Free Energy for the past decade. But I also ran a petition in 2002 to draft Ron Paul to run for president in 2004, and threw my hat in the ring when he finally declined.

Look at the conspiracy topic page I've compiled: 

Over the years, I occasionally send you an email suggesting that you have someone like me on your show to inform your listeners about the many exotic free energy technologies that are emerging into the marketplace, despite a century of suppression by the corrupt powers that be. See  These are technologies that would not only be clean, reliable, and safe, but very affordable -- providing power cheaper than from the grid.

You know how dependent modern civilization is on power. Imagine what cheap, distributed energy solutions could do. In addition to enabling us to live in harmony with the earth, they would
- Provide the "productive capacity" that Gerald Celente predicted on your show two years ago to turn things around to prevent total economic collapse.
- Give people a tool to survive if/when things do collapse.
- Provide a means of digging out on the back end to bring about a better world.

Support for the emergence of these modalities is one of the most effective things a patriot can do in opposition to the corrupt powers that be.

Exotic Free Energy Devices will render the powers that be obsolete. They will empower the individual, and disempower the police state.

They will reverse the planned implosion of the world's economy.

They will create cheaper energy and many millions of new jobs, almost over night.

They can prevent the "hitting the wall" that society is headed toward. They can engender and empower an awaking so we don't hit the wall.

And we are on the cusp of these things emerging.

What is both great news for the world at large, but sad when it comes to Infowars, is that I am now on the cusp of doing a reality show: "Free Energy Quest", where they will follow me around as I visit and vet these various technologies, bringing them to the attention of millions of viewers worldwide.

If, for some reason, Pyramid Films ends up not landing a network for the reality show, another studio in Boulder Colorado where I taped a couple of TV interviews last week, said they would be interested in doing the reality show with me. Ray, who made the offer, used to produce for the History channel.

Wouldn't it be ironic if the first the larger patriot community that you address hears about these things is from a mainstream show, not from you?

You are great at talking about the problems. This is one of the solutions you can point people to: support the emergence of these breakthrough free energy technologies.

In my opinion, you should be having me, or someone like me on your show as often as Keiser, Mike Adams, or Celente.

Last February, in an interview with Foster Gamble  
Alex stated: "Free energy would bring down this current system and would empower humanity. That's a no brainer."

This is something your audience could really get behind and help move forward.

I look forward to when he will implement that notion into Infowars programming. And as one of the world's foremost Free Energy go to guys, I'd be glad to be a regular. 

If for some reason you have something against me personally, there are plenty of other great spokespersons to choose from.

P.S. After writing this, I saw that you had a show today about underground bunkers. Scott Bales of DeepEarthBunkers, who is doing a reality show on Discovery channel presently, is the one who initiated the present initiative to have his producer get me on a reality show. I think Scott would agree with the title of your YouTube posting on your show today: "Elite Buying Underground Shelters in Record Numbers." Before you decide on a design for your own bunker, be sure to check out Scott's site. His are also very well engineered for comfortable living with adequate supplies and contingencies.

Regarding the depth, I disagree with your guest. Basically, once you get below the frost line, you're looking at constant year-round temperatures, whatever climate you're in, whatever depth you go. The earth acts as a thermal flywheel. You don't have to go ten feet down to get that effect. The only reason you would be getting hot is if you don't have adequate ventilation for things such as ovens or computers and other electronics or lights that generate significant heat. Otherwise, the earth is going to act as an ample heat sink for body heat. If you've got a major heat source, no matter how deep you dig, you'll be cooking yourself out.

| Sterling D. Allan, 
| New Energy Systems Trust (NEST), President
| (Pure Energy Systems) PES Network, Inc., CEO
| "The best news and directory service on the net 
| regarding cutting edge energy technologies."
| Profile:  
| Phone: +1-801-407-1292 (mountain time)
| Ephraim, Utah, USA
| "The government's job should be to protect freedom, not control our lives."

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