Winter Weather Conditions Drive up Oil, Gasoline prices (ContributorNetwork)

$ 4 a gallon gasoline?

Be prepared to pay a lot more to heat your home and fuel your car because oil and petrol prices ursprungshalten just in time for the Christmas holiday season.

Some analysts say we could pay almost $ 3.50 a gallon of gas through the spring, according to CNBC. U.S. motorists may face $ 4 a gallon gasoline in 2012. Gasoline Prices have not been seen since the worldwide economic collapse of 2008.

Future Gasoline prices

According to analysts, including Goldman Sachs, reports CNBC, the price of oil reaching $ 100 a barrel this spring and climb all the way to $ 120 per barrel in 2012. This means that the price of a gallon of gas rises 50 cents to 90 cents higher than it is right now. For every $ 10 increase in the price of oil per barrel, the price of a litre of petrol up 25 cents.

Snowstorms over the globe

The price of oil went from approximately $ 85 to $ 91 per barrel recently due to an anticipated increase in demand caused by colder than normal weather conditions on opposite sides of the planet. And the worst may be yet to come.

Time International reported that the Russian made a forecast Meteorologists on Oct. 3 to the winter would be "worst Russian winter in 1000 years." These concerns have met with the reality of the early-season snowstorms in Europe and the United States. Together, they created a global concern that winter is colder than usual may very, pushing up demand. Together with the increased demand is rising price of fuel oil and gasoline.

28 Nov-London Telegraph reported that schools in England and southern Europe was closed and motorists were stranded. Economies in the ground to a halt as snow fell as far south as London, southern France and Northern Italy. Also the Muscovites, used for severe winter conditions, were caught off guard as the temperature dropped to near zero degrees (f)

Consequently, oil and natural gas reserves fell and oil prices rose to their highest level in two years.

Then, on this side of the Atlantic, snowstorms barreled down from Canada to the Deep South, temperatures are-10 to 20 degrees below normal during the first weekend in December. At the same time a great maritime power crippled snow event on the East side of all five Great Lakes. The covered parts of that territory Buffalo with more than 32 cm of snow over the weekend, according to the Buffalo News.

Great American snowstorm on the way?

And now, Accuweather said a developing storm will cross country early next week and could develop into a major Blizzard for nor ' easter Middle Atlantic and New England States. This is because the temperature is expected to be lower than normal, but hot enough top snow-making capacity.

Colder Winter drives up prices

These events seem to indicate that the winter weather forecast issued by the national Weather Service Climate Prediction Center can prove really be worse as previously thought. The service said population-heavy Midwest would experience a colder than normal and snowier-winter in years. However, an earlier than normal snow pack, as if the conditions we saw in the early 1980s, would pave the way for colder conditions and snowier a larger part of the United States.

These conditions would create a colder-than-normal winter, put downward pressure on oil and natural gas reserves and driving up oil and gasoline prices as well. Only the heat of the Sun and increased sunlight hours in March would take us out of a terrible cold winter and bring relief.


London Telegraph

Time International


National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center winter weather forecast


Buffalo News.

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