Gulf oil spill could usher in new agency for food safety (AP)

WASHINGTON the presidential Panel examines the massive Gulf oil spill probably President Barack Obama next year new ways for the Federal Government and the oil industry, offshore drilling monitor security recommend.

Experts with the presidential oil spill Commission Thursday recommended that oil and gas companies drilling off a U.S. Coast Security Institute similar to establish the nuclear industry after the 1979 three mile Iceland accident formed. The Institute would lapse address to the Gulf spill led.

They also said that the Federal Government requires an independent agency offshore workers, ensure drilling rigs and production platforms operate safely.

Personal recommendations, and the jury members reactions are the first signs where the Commission is directed, as it prepares to report version of the President in January on the final.

The Commission said on Thursday that the disaster that from the Macondo well burst of questionable decisions and management failures of three companies led: BP PLC, the owner and operator. Transocean Ltd., the rig's owner; Halliburton co., which was set to mix and pump cement, which is crucial to ensure well against a blowout.

"This perception that Macondo decisions the consequence of a company was easy in some circles the oil and gas industry, is not," said William k. Reilly, a former environmental protection agency Administrator under President George h. w. Bush and co Chair of the Panel. "It has conclusively and undeniably established was that we have a bigger problem than that."

The Panel found 11 decisions by these companies increased risk. Most saved time and all, but there was a safer alternative.

"All of these companies were involved - as the primary decision maker, or in the decision-making process," said Richard Sears, senior science and technical advisor to the Commission. "To think these three companies that screwed up as this bothers me."

The panel's staff called for a separation of powers within the Interior Department which renamed and reorganized its offshore drilling agency after the golf accident his billing and collecting money further obligations arising from the enforcement of safety and environmental laws to share.

The new Government Security Agency - could be that, inside or outside of the Department - should be led by an engineer would be not politically appointed experts said.

"This control would have a mandate - security and is the technical integrity of these institutions," said Shirley Neff, a senior analyst at the Commission.

On the side of the industry it security experts said by the American Petroleum Institute, the oil and gas Association be pursued should, drafts of standards, but also on behalf of an industry of lobby.



National Commission for oil spill:

(This version corrected name of Richard Sears in 8th paragraph.)

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