Some things you should know

 FIT 2.0 Released with Minister Directive
OSEA is pleased to provide its members with the following:

Top Ten things our members should know about the FIT 2.0 directive

  1. The microFIT rules/contract and application window will be available on the OPAs website this week â€" as early as tomorrow;
  2. The application window for small FIT will open at the same time as the rules/contract are posted. The OPA is committed to completing this task before the end of the month;
  3. Greater clarity provided on the prioritization of contract capacity set-aside for projects with greater than or equal to 50% community or aboriginal equity participation. OPA shall prioritize within any FIT window these projects over any other applications that obtain prioritization points;
  4. Definition of community from April 5th remains unchanged and the focus remains on co-operatives and First Nations;
  5. Further clarity on project readiness as well as points awarded for projects that applied on or before July 4, 2011 or on or after July 5, 2011;
  6. Directive introduces a “cure period” for FIT contracts that default on priority points awarded;
  7. CEPP to allocate $1,000,000 for education and marketing;
  8. Greater flexibility provided for ground-mount PV in protecting agricultural lands.
  9. Working Group to be established for project siting concerns; and
  10. Set-aside established as part of a pilot project for rooftop solar projects on un-constructed buildings.
These are highlights from the directive. OSEA will provide a more detailed overview of the FIT 2.0 when the final rules are released towards the end of July as committed by the Minister.

We will work in your interests to ensure that this commitment is met.

the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association

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