Measuring the Co-operative Difference

Here's a neat site that readers will find useful. We have added it to the resource section as well.
They offer all sorts of free webinars.
People-Power-Profit: The Emergence of Renewable Energy Co-operatives in Canada
March 14, 2012 
This webinar toured the audience through renewable energy development across Canada, celebrating the successes and articulating the challenges of this exciting new co-op sector. The webinar also featured a few case studies in Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The session also created space to discuss the following questions: What are the policy and regulatory contexts? And how do we build stronger cohesion across the country?
Featured presenters:
Judith Lipp is the Executive Director of the TREC Renewable Energy Co-operative, a position she has held since 2008. TREC is a a non-profit, co-operative that incubates, builds and administers renewable energy co-operatives in Ontario and educates the broader public about the importance of renewable energy, energy efficiency/conservation and the community power model. Judith has worked in the renewable energy sector since 1998 and has extensive related policy, research and project development experience.
Judith Lipp,Executive Director 
TREC Renewable Energy Cooperative 
Phone: 416 977 5093
J.J. McMurtry is an Associate Professor in the Business and Society Program at York University. Professor McMurtry's areas of specialization include co-operative theory and practice, alternative economics, the Social Economy, and social and political thought. He is one of the founders of Green Campus Co-ops and is on the National Research Cluster for the Measuring the Co-operative Difference Research Network CURA.
J.J. McMurtry, Associate Professor
Business and Society Program, York University
Phone: 416 736 2100 ext. 77820
Wayne Groszko, Ph.D. is currently president of the Community Energy Co-operative (New Brunswick), an organization working at the community level to facilitate the transition to renewable energy. He has nine years experience in the field of renewable energy assessments, education, consulting and community-based social marketing. He teaches courses in environmental sciences at Dalhousie University and has published and presented several times regarding renewable energy.
Wayne Groszko, Community Energy Co-operative
Phone: 902 482 8817
Toll-free: 1 866 315 9201
Wayne's Presentation - Community Renewable Energy in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Community Feed-in Tariff Program

Nova Scotia COMFIT Guide

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