German Architect Andre Broessel believes he has a solution that can “squeeze more juice out of the sun”, even during the night hours and in low-light regions. His company Rawlemon has created a spherical sun power generator prototype called the beta.ray. His technology will combine spherical geometry principles with a dual axis tracking system, allowing twice the yield of a conventional solar panel in a much smaller surface area. The futuristic design is fully rotational and is suitable for inclined surfaces, walls of buildings, and anywhere with access to the sky. It can even be used as an electric car charging station. Scroll down for photos and videos…
“The beta.ray comes with a hybrid collector to convert daily electricity and thermal energy at the same time. While reducing the silicon cell area to 25% with the equivalent power output by using our ultra transmission Ball Lens point focusing concentrator, it operates at efficiency levels of nearly 57% in hybrid mode. At nighttime the Ball Lens can transform into a high-power lamp to illuminate your location, simply by using a few LED’s. The station is designed for off grid conditions as well as to supplement buildings’ consumption of electricity and thermal circuits like hot water.”

How it works:

The modular collector system charges and stores energy during daylight hours and can even collect energy from the moon during night hours:
Suitability for conventional CPV and thermal power plants:
Suitability for solar hybrid power plants with Rawlemon technologies:
Electric Car Charging Station:

More Photos:


Watch the videos:

Visit the Rawlemon Website
What do you think? Does this technology have potential? Leave your comments below…
  • rollzone
    This effort at the “childhood” -‘magnifying glass in the sun to scorch insects’ approach, lacks only concentration mirroring. The next model may be dangerously fantastical.
    • Mike Varengas
      Indeed many insects lost their lives when I was learning how to harness the sun power through magnifying glass. The technique is, as it seems, scalable and used in a constructive manner, not just to destroy. On a vaguely related note, does the Star Wars Death Star operate on a similar principle?
    Love his passion! Great invention! Gotta get me one! Or more!
  • Evan C
    IT is a veryattractive unit, my question is if the price and physical size make it substantially more viable then conventional panels, in terms of output. PV cells can still only hit so much efficiency, no matter how much light is available, and there are so few on the unit compared to the amount of floor space of takes up.
  • Rawlemon
    Hey! Visit our website to ckeck out technical data sheets and make your pre-order!
  • Heidi Hecht
    I think I’ll wait til I see Version 3.0 before I buy, but I like the idea. Imagine having one or two of these on the roof of every apartment building along with a hydroponics garden where the tenants can go up and pick fresh veggies anytime and you’ll see why I’m for it. 🙂
  • Jacob Hammersley
  • ronald1216
    nice but flat lenses are cool i want to buy a 35 inch lens but there none available
  • Asrorkhuja
    What about the temperature shift of solar cell? it doesn’t become too hot for the long run? And price must enough high
  • David McElroy
    I have proposed a one-way mirror glass sphere to be used as stationary sun-tracking solar energy collector. As the solar rays enter the sphere, they will arrive at the thermocouple or high-efficiency photoelectric cell positioned in the center. Any stray light will be reflected back by the mirror trapping all light inside and bouncing it back to the central collector. This will work as long as the light outside is greater than the light inside, which the one-way mirror guarantees. No matter where the sun is in the sky, its’ light (and other ambient light) will be captured with no tricky mechanics involved. Consider this idea duly posted.
    • Charles Walker
      David. I proposed something along these lines recently to a colleague of mine during a coffee time chat. Glass bead with one way reflective coating on the inner surface to ensure light is fully utilised. Not sure on the physics (or the method of manufacture!?) but if the light energy could be bounced internally until fully absorbed by a cell, surely it would make the efficiency much more palatable….. Just glad that I’m not the only one to be thinking along these lines……
  • DeanMarshall
    Beware of this inventor and his dubious business practices!
    He accepted preliminary marketing suggestions from a friend of mine with an oral understanding of payment for her services, then used the ideas himself!
  • Ekaterinya Vladinakova
    quite beautiful
  • محمد الامين يحي محمد
    It harnesses heat energy from the Sun , Light energy from the moon , and acts as a flood light at night . I love the idea , but a long way from becoming commercial in the utility sense . One question please : This glass sphere is it solid glass or is it vacuumed hollow sphere ? .
  • Carolyn
    I think I will also wait to see what the outcome is before I make my decision
  • Oleg
    In ideal it looks OK. But 1.)don’t forget you have to keep this sphere clean all the time 2)to make this sphere will cost bearably cheaper then to buy extra panels 🙂
  • Mohip
    -This is what bothers me.
    “squeeze more juice out of the sun”,
    like it already dosent do enough.
  • Faith n Daniel Hovland
    Creating sustainability with natural sources for small villages around the Amazon. Seeking insight on how to generate enough juice using so2 & Quartz with solar

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