New Selma mill to provide alternate energy source - WSFA


Years of work in Selma led to Thursday's ribbon cutting for the grand opening for the "Zilkha Biomass Selma."

The mill isn't fully operational yet, but work is currently being done inside.

The mill will be Zilkha Biomass Energy's largest mill, and one of the largest producers of advanced pellets in the world.

So what are Black pellets?

Black Pellets are an alternative energy source. They are like traditional white pellets, made of wood, except these are denser and are waterproof. Consequently, they cost less to transport because there's no need for special handling.

The black pellets have more heat and energy, and can be burned alongside coal, or replace it all together as an energy source.

Leaders say these Black Pellets are changing the industry standards.

“It's great to see a dream become a reality and this dream of ours of using wood to supplant coal and help with the environment, it becomes more of a reality today," Michael Zilkha said.

"This particular plant here is another plant that's so wonderful for our city and county, that it's going to help change the life and for our city and county so I'm glad to have them here," said Selma Mayor George Evans.

Owners say more than 50 people will be employed at the mill, but there's a multiplier effect. Officials say if you include the jobs needed to bring wood in, take pellets out; you're looking at a little under 300 jobs for the community.

There is already a buyer in France, CPCU, which supplies about one-third of Paris' heat. The company in Selma will be providing half of their supply.

Copyright 2015 WSFA 12 News. All rights reserved.

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