Lawyers suit of Gulf spill want claims czar reined (AP)

By HARRY r. Weber, Associated Press Harry r. Weber, an associated press-Tue Dec 21, 5: 45 am ET

New Orleans – lawyers leads for people and businesses causes over Gulf spill oil wants to overseeing their cases federal judge to rein administrator victims compensation of 20 billion Fund BP this set.

Fund Manager that describes the game as a soldier Feinberg Ken BP shell is designed to settle claims as many as possible to avoid lawsuits, lawyers asked u.s. District Judge Charles Barbier scathing statement giving a lengthy and subject to change in order to form the third release to sign if they receive the final payment from the Feinberg.

Lawyers say people should just give up the right to claim compensatory damages for BP if they receive the final payment from the Fund, but they are still allowed to go after BP Court punitive. In addition, lawyers say, people to receive final payments from the Fund should be allowed to sue other parties responsible for damage both compensatory and punitive.

More people get final payments from the Fund and agree not to sue BP or any other party responsible for, the less potential clients for lawyers plaintiffs who already have filed lawsuits over more than 300 oil spill.

The Foundation is separate from the oil spill litigation, but lawyers say that Barbier authoritative to intervene to protect victims spill.

Feinberg now requires people to receive final agree not to claim payments BP or any other party, including responsible companies with exploded rig Deepwater horizon, April 20, off Côte Louisiana.

Blast killed 11 workers, led to more than 200 million gallons of oil spewing from BP undersea well, according to Government estimates that BP disputes.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs want also false reminder BP is pay firm of Feinberg per month to manage the sold! Foundation.

"By all appearances, Mr. Feinberg — its approach towards the timing and nature of the proposed settlement, in its deliberative process protection from disclosure and full releases security assignments of BP satisfaction — look to distinguish vanhotia defense attorney tries to settle cases on behalf of BP," wrote their lawyers filing in Federal Court in New Orleans.

Reached on his cell phone, Feinberg declined to comment. BP did not respond to requests for comment. There was no ruling immediately. Lawyers are seeking hearing January 5.

President Barack Obama appointed to administer the Fund BP Feinberg who has agreed to set up after the explosion.

So far, the Fund must pay out 2.55 billion to 167,555 lie. Some false 73,000 requested final payments.

Money remains the principal is expected to be returned BP.

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