Will Robots to stop future oil Spills?

Seaswarm RobotsCleaning oil déversements can businesses. If robots écologique-friends can take and clean surfaces can be good for marine life. MYTH developed Seaswarm robots that are used or controlled special absorb oil and collect in the surface of the sea; if all désactive from, these robots can use Commerce within a year. Robots that work best collectivement. They can detect déversements oil under his care, and convey messages for the robotic and chalk out a strategy among them to cleaned up garbage.

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Plan of a Seaswarm.
Assaf Biderman source project this MYTH. It is also associate director of the Senseable city laboratory in MYTH, according to his robots $ 20,000 will be the exhibition in Venice, Italy. Robots Seaswarm made remarks of a waist convoyeur of a coarse. Belt. the materials play MYTH is a paper towel to déversements oil. It can absorb up to 20 years his weight in oil. This Belt flotteurs onto the surface of the sea and connected to a glass plus. When he désactive waist the pousse robots frontward and absorbe oil and aid of a nanomaterial. Nanomaterial this to attract oil and water. Biderman, and its profit as a rolling carpet on the surface of the water.

How Seaswarm work.
After trempage oil on the sea surface the robot may be burned on the spot, or may leave the oil in a paper bag to collect which could later. The heater is located on "ice plus" where in the body; the oil in a bag the killing could have réutilisés. According to Biderman, robots which is good to play team. They coordinated with one another with the help of data where GPS. Unscrew a strategy They cleaned up garbage in a better way.

The advantages of Seaswarm.
Effective Combination. If robots Seaswarm who deployed in the déversement oil they prove there are relatively quickly, and effective in cleaning up déversements oil. Otherwise clean déversements oil all he needs to give ear to the ship and crew training in great. Biderman is believe if robots Seaswarm would be used in a disaster Deepwater oil Horizon, robots would be salted or up oil in two months. Prices will make the operational state's for $ 100 million to $ 200 million. If you care to see statistics about 800 écrémage vessels in service to clean up Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. He would go to the bathroom only 5,000 to 10,000 two autonomous robots MYTH to complete the work.

Eco key. Seaswarm the robots use their own heat and Sun. They need only 100 watts of power, about that of a light bulb for spots in operations. You can use on sea for months and they won't ask for credit to plead.

Èstabilite. Biderman said, "because (convoyeur waist) adhere to the surface of the water, he cannot, overturning, '' he said," when it can resist temperatures under orders. Imagine this as a leaf on the surface of the sea, they move with waves and courants and cannot inversée. '' Robots may work on extreme condition and weather. Biderman said MYTH the sopping oil robot would better in disaster situations as the final, where oil is oil.

Damage is for a little area: Biderman share opinion, '' déversement, Ideally, the best thing to do is to keep it right where déversement is, but quite often the oil will come from two bases, and this is where this technology would better. ''

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