A Sticker for power generation solar power

Solar Power StickerNew and unique way to make more efficient solar power in the generations panneaux to come, so that light each day. New children in this area a cast is a great update autocollant applied for front of the Panel which grew production power by about 10% of these things to you. Génie lens technology is the company that developed autocollants polymere film. Polymere Film these imprimée and special kind of microstructures. Even panneaux who were former installé work can have these autocollants polymere which was easy to apply and will strengthen autocollants efficiencies.

Domain microstructures.
Microstructures on autocollants polymere that may Friday and redirection the Sun. These materials in the Panel to absorb more light. So more power products. Seven Weiss, CEO & Cofounder of Genie lens, Englewood, Monoxide confident that the two are the advantages of using special film.

Three reasons the polymere film.
There are three main action a polymere film not.

Avoid light in reflétant on Golden/solar light surfaces. Trapping to stay inside semiconducting materials absorb light and convert it into power. Redirecting the light who comes, the light will travel and semi-conducteurs material surface and not just through the veil. increases your risk of Absorption of light probabilité more than before.

Special algorithmes for microstructures.
All CAN-dessus three reasons done by the special stimulus microstructures. Polymere Film they direct and redirige flames light who came on Golden solar. To cover rock solar materials, semi-panneaux conducteurs that and surface after the Panel all reacted and polymere film in a special example.

Just like that-direction of light rays.
Polymere Film them, just as the light optimal amount so he will not reflected on he had lost. Acting like a burning light redirigé into Golden again fails to reap the maximum power son. Improvement when the cloudy sky.

Results declared.
National Renewable energy laboratory Results prove the fact that film production increase of power between 4-12% 1.5 till time to diffuse the light cloudy. Just add film increase in the cost of power generation by 1-10% but benefits from Sur prices, assert the lab. The issue to be proved is test of durabilité, what is said about the best, for the future.

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