Designed by renowned Italian architect Giancarlo Zema and produced by EcoFloLife, the WaterNest 100 is an eco-friendly floating housing unit. The 100 square meter residential units are made of up to 98% recycled materials; including the laminate timber and aluminum hull. Skylights, balconies and large windows encircle the dwelling, allowing for efficient lighting and beautiful waterfront views. 60 sqm of photovoltaic panels embedded in the rooftop provide up to 4 kWp of internal electricity. A sophisticated system of natural micro-ventilation and air conditioning classifies it as a low-consumption residential habitat. Scroll down for more photos.
The units can be positioned along rivers, lakes, bays, atolls and calm sea areas. The interiors are warm and welcoming, and include a living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. The 12m diameter circular layout can be configured as a house (1 to 4 people), office, lounge bar, restaurant , shop, or exhibition space. The EcoFloLife catalogue provides top-design eco-friendly furnishings that complement the design and meet most contemporary needs.


Visit the EcoFloLife Website.
We definitely want to move our office into one of these! What would you do with your own WaterNest? Leave your comments below…
  • BrianH
    How is the sewage dealt with?
    • DisqusSD
      I would suggest some sort of composting toilet and liquid waste to be pumped ashore to be dealt with appropriately.
    • Flip Waterman
      In Amsterdam houseboat sewage goes landward by pipe. If there’s no sewage system there, you build a sceptic tank. Works perfectly for centuries already.
  • Dave
    The problem with wood as a building material is that moisture is it’s greatest enemy – a floating wood house seems like a bad idea for longevity. Something like composite, plastic or aluminum would be a much better choice.
    • JHG
      so wooden boats are a bad idea? …
      • DiDi
      • Flip Waterman
        The best houseboats have a concrete bottom; no maintenance.
    • Christelle Isaac
      You have the right idea for this but keep in mind that the base of the house is aluminum and there are measurements taken to protect wood from things such as humidity or rain, especially if the wood is being used for something as important as shelter.
  • Isaac
    Floating house!! Well interesting but thanks!! Not for me!!
  • Sheri M.
    Take my money!
  • Flip Waterman
    So much nicer and more efficient than the houseboats I lived in..
  • David Singhiser
    Okay, I want one.
  • Pieter Siegers
    I’d live in it and fish from the balcony 🙂
  • Asanka Gurusinghe
    It is great concept. I am really interested in knowing more about this unit. Pls advise how to get more info. on this.
  • HelenMarKimball
  • Pedro Elescamoso
    its soooooooo beautiful !!!
  • Jimmy Hoffa
    its sooooooooooo stupid on soooooooooo many levels.

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