Highlights this week include: video update from the Hunt Utilities Group making a Celani reactor kit for universities to validate cold fusion; the American Nuclear Society is going to include a session on LENR in their November conference; new Nanospire abstract; Discover cf article; anticipation that Rossi might release news about the Hot-Cat in the October 12 conference in Pardenone; interview with Aldo Proia, the Italian E-Cat licensee.
By Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Once again, we bring you a compilation of various news items about the various LENR companies since our October 4 compilation.
Mainstream news sources are indicated with the yellow highlight.
See also Cold Fusion Times.
- LENR Companies
- Rossi, Leonardo Corp - E-Cat
- Pordenone Conference, Oct. 12
- New Data to be Reported at Pordenone Meeting - I have been trying to find out more about what is going to be the subject of the October 12 meeting at the Polo Technologica in Purdenone, Italy. Andrea Rossi mentioned on his Journal of Nuclear Physics site that he would not be demonstrating his technology (I didn't expect he would), but he would... (E-CatWorld; October 9, 2012)
- Is Something Brewing In The E-Cat Universe? - The October 12 LENR conference seemed to come out of nowhere, making those who follow Rossi's E-Cat to sit up and take notice. Rossi has said that there may be some big news available on the Hot Cat by then. (ECatReport; October 9, 2012)
- Interview with Aldo Proia
- E-Cat World Interview with Aldo Proia - I am very pleased that Aldo Proia, CEO of Prometeon s.r.l, E-Cat licensee for Italy, has been willing to conduct an interview with E-Cat World. Below are my questions and his responses. Can you tell me something about your background, and how you came to be involved in selling E-Cat systems? I have not a technical background. At the... (E-CatWorld; October 9, 2012)
- E-Cat and Hot Cat: no doubt about how to Aldo Proia - A long interview with Aldo Proia , published by E-Cat World bank is holding discussions around the cold fusion. Obviously, the head of Prometeon SRL, Italian licensee for the sale of the products of Leonardo Corporation, could not enter the technical details, it is not its responsibility. (GreenStyle.it; October 10, 2012)
- Rossi reveals ecat operation costs Little Else - Rossi stated that the 1MW industrial ecat units will cost â¬10,000 Euros or $12,957 US dollars a year to operate. This figure would include recharging and maintenance. (EnergyCatalyzer3; October 8, 2012)
- E-Cat news: rumors of new and upcoming conference Rossi in Pordenone - Here's the latest news on the E-Cat, the machine invented by engineer Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi physical that would be able, thanks to a cold fusion reaction between nickel and hydrogen triggered by a mysterious catalyst, to produce a large amount of energy compared with a minimum consumption to operate. (dottortecnologia.info; October 10, 2012)
- E-Cat Rossi: new confirmations for cold fusion as independent as possible - New theories on the independent E-Cat machines presented in Rome. Now expect the reazoni the scientific world. ..The new episode is related to rumors of a new project, separate from that of Rossi, a teaching project trial coordinated by Ugo Abundo at the Technical Institute for Construction, Environment and Territory "Leopoldo Pirelli" in Rome. (WebmasterPoint; October 8, 2012)
- "Evil Forces" & The E-Cat - There are several monikers used for those who would hinder development of LENR technology. Sometimes, the application is tongue-in-cheek, other times there is a certain anger over vitriolic comments made by skeptics and detractors. (ECatReport; October 5, 2012)
- Pordenone Conference, Oct. 12
- Defkalion - Hyperion
- NanoSpire, Inc.Â
- Athanor / Hydrobetatron
- Cold fusion, Abundo: "We want to get cheap energy" - Cold fusion . Ugo Abundo is going on not only its own research on LENR , but also the project within the Technical Institute for Construction, Environment and Territory 'Leopoldo Pirelli' in Rome, and students will continue to develop its E -Cat , who had previously called Athanor and now Hydrobetatron. (NextMe.it; October 8, 2012)
- Rossi, Leonardo Corp - E-Cat
- General Cold Fusion
- Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project: http://QuantumHeat.orgÂ
- Video Introducing the Hunt Utilities Group, Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project Partners - Here is a new video from the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project introducing the Hunt Utilities Group, a non profit engineering organization based in Pine River, Minnesota, who have become involved in designing and building working models of the Francesco Celani cold fusion reactors that the MFMP will use to replicate Celani's demonstration. The MFMP... (E-CatWorld; October 6, 2012)
http://www.youtube.com/user/FleischmannMemorial - subscribe - Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project - Hunt Utilities Group have put their full weight behind the projects aims and as you can see in this video, in little more than a month, they had made great strides to deliver testable prototypes of a variation on the Celani Cell. (LENRNews.eu; October 6, 2012)
- Progress from the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project - I chatted today with Bob Greenyer, one of the members of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, an organization whose goal is to provide irrefutable evidence of the reality and usefulness of LENR technology, or New Fire as they term it. It is clear the members of the MFMP have been active and busy in... (E-CatWorld; October 6, 2012)
- Francesco Celani responds to skeptics - it answers a series of questions that have been asked in recent weeks to Celani by those who are skeptical about the validity of the measures of excess heat carried out on its reactor. (22Passi; October 9, 2012)
- Video Introducing the Hunt Utilities Group, Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project Partners - Here is a new video from the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project introducing the Hunt Utilities Group, a non profit engineering organization based in Pine River, Minnesota, who have become involved in designing and building working models of the Francesco Celani cold fusion reactors that the MFMP will use to replicate Celani's demonstration. The MFMP... (E-CatWorld; October 6, 2012)
- What can you tell them? - I rattled off a few facts that contradicted the myth he was stifled by. Essentially, I listed a few well-known companies, agencies, and universities, actively engaged in serious research on cold fusion, also called low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR), lattice-assisted nuclear reactions (LANR), and quantum fusion. (ColdFusionNow; October 10, 2012)
- Big Idea: Bringing Back the Cold Fusion Dream - A new thoery may explain the notorious cold fusion experiment from two decades ago, reigniting hope of a clean energy breakthrough. (Zinio / Discover; November 12, 2012)
- Discover Magazine Finds Widom-Larsen LENR Theory - The latest issue of Discover magazine includes a two-page article by Mark Anderson that features the Widom-Larsen ultra-low-momentum neutron-catalyzed theory of low-energy nuclear reactions. (New Energy Times; October 6, 2012)
- Brian Josephson safeguards historic contribution of Martin Fleischmann - U.K. University of Cambridge Professor Dr. Brian Josephson, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1973 for the Josephson Effect, wrote the fine obituary published in The Guardian honoring Dr. Martin Fleischmann, co-discoverer of cold fusion who passed away earlier this (â¦) (ColdFusionNow; October 6, 2012)
- Mark Hugo on Cold Fusion: Nuclear engineer Mark Hugo describes the work of Dr. Richard A. Oriani in providing validation for cold fusion experiments through the use of CR-39 radiation detectors, which Oriani utilized to measure alpha particle generation inside a cold fusion electrolytic cell.
http://www.americanantigravity.com/news/energy/mark-hugo-on-cold-fusion.html - Book: Cold Fusion Conspiracy
- Book Offers History of Cold Fusion - If you're interested in the history of cold fusion or low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) there's a new Ebook that you should check out. Cold Fusion Conspiracies which is currently being serialized at Coldfusion3.com is a great resource that gives a good look at the history of the idea. (EnergyCatalyzer3; October 5, 2012)
- Cold Fusion Conspiracy Ebook â" Chapter 3: Cold Fusion Conspiracies (Part One) - Does cold fusion already exist? When we think of cold fusion we tend to imagine scientists in long white coats carrying out highly important experiments in laboratories, but what if this is not the only way in which it is possible for cold fusion to exist? (ColdFusion3; October 8, 2012)
- Conversion of Heat Into Electricity - The traditional use of heat for energy is through the production of steam, which can drive turbines that generate electricity. However, there are other methods of using heat to generate electricity. (ECatReport; October 8, 2012)
- How Cold Fusion can Reduce Costs and Increase Prosperity for Everybody - The biggest effect that cold fusion or low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) will have on the economy is that it could reduce costs for everybody. (ColdFusion3; October 9, 2012)
- Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project: http://QuantumHeat.orgÂ
- Events
- See Pordenone Conference, Oct. 12 - above under E-Cat
- Nuclear Technology Expo in California, November 11-15
- Another LENR Meeting: at American Nuclear Society Conference - The American Nuclear Society is a non-profit organization which provides educational and informational services for professionals in the fields of nuclear science and technology. The ANS is holding its 2012 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo in San Diego, California from November 11-15, and the theme of this conference is "Future Nuclear Technologies:... (E-CatWorld; October 5, 2012)
- LENR Session At "Future Nuclear Technologies: Resilience and Flexibility" - This year, they are including a session on LENR. The Materials Science and Technology Division for the American Nuclear Society will present a session titled "Discussion of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions â" Papers/Panel". (ECatReport; October 9, 2012)
- Domenico Cirillo brings his research in the USA - While in Italy still debate the existence of low-energy nuclear reactions, in the U.S. on 14 November, during the 2012 Winter Meeting & Nuclear Technology Expo of ' American Nuclear Society , to be held in San Diego 11 November 15, our Domenico Cirillo will present his research on the generation of low-energy neutrons from the plasma on the electrolytic cells. (22Passi; October 5, 2012)
- Sources:Â
- Dedicated
- Non-Dedicated
- Mainstream
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PESN Coverage of E-Cat
For a more exhaustive listing, see News:Rossi_Cold_Fusion | Mainstream | News:Cold_Fusion Â
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- October 18, 2012 (PESN)
- Andrea Rossi's Black Box -- by Popular Science (PESN; October 16, 2012)
- Penon High-Temperature E-Cat Test Results Posted (PESN)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- October 11, 2012 (PESN)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- October 4, 2012 (PESN)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- September 27, 2012 (PESN)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- September 20, 2012 (PESN)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- September 13, 2012 (PESN)
- 2012 E-Cat Conference Report: 1 MW E-Cat Ready (PESN; September 11, 2012)
- September 9: Andrea Rossi Q&A, Panel Discussion, Interview (PESN; September 10, 2012)
- Rossi Gives Third-Party Test Results from Hot Cat (PESN; September 9, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- September 6, 2012 (PESN; September 6, 2012)
- 2012 E-Cat Conference in Zurich (PESWiki; August 31, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 30, 2012 (PESN)
- A Barrel of a Hundred High Temperature E-Cats (PESN; August 30, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 23, 2012 (PESN)
- Existence of 1,200C E-Cat Test Report Confirmed (PESN; August 22, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 16, 2012 (PESN)
- Details Provided about Hot Cat Test Data Leaker (PESN; August 13, 2012)
- Stunning Third Party E-Cat Test Report Details Leaked During NIWeek (PESN; August 11, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 9, 2012 (PESN)
- Mainstream Coverage of Fleischmann's Death Mentions Nothing of Technology Nearing Marketplace (PESN; August 8, 2012)
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