Highlights this week include: Rossi reports third party results at E-Cat conference in Zurich, Swedish investor balks, Siemens' involvement confirmed, SGS safety certification produced, 1 MW plant ready; QuantumHeat.org launched; Abundo videos; Defkalion drops.
By Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Once again, we bring you a compilation of various news items about the various LENR companies since our September 6 compilation.
Mainstream news sources are indicated with the yellow highlight.
See also Cold Fusion Times.
- LENR Companies
- Rossi, Leonardo Corp - E-Cat
- E-Cat Conference Reports
Rossi Gives Third-Party Test Results from Hot Cat - Last night, Andrea Rossi read and explained the third party tests that were done in July on his hot cat technology. The results evince outputs that approach nuclear in their power density and peak output levels. (PESN; September 9, 2012)
- Cold fusion, published reports on the E-Cat - As promised, Andrea Rossi announced new and significant reports concerning the E-Cat at high temperature. You can consult three documents which the engineer Rossi has allowed the publication. The first is the main report, the second file is the date of the first report, the third contains some corrections and additions to the first report. (InternationalBusinessTimes; September 9, 2012)
- Rossi Gives Third-Party Test Results from Hot Cat [Cold Fusion] - Short article from Sterling D. Allan from PESN.com; I was also at the conference in Zurich, and met Andrea Rossi and his control systems expert, Fluvio Fabiani. The conference was mind-bending. A few tidbits: (FreeRepublic; September 9, 2012)
- Zurich eCat Conference Video - Andrea Rossi's presentation begins at 16m: [With thanks to Francesco CH and Sterling Allan of Peswiki]⦠(ECatNews; September 9, 2012)
- HotCat Report - After listening (with difficulty) to yesterday's live-stream from Zurich, my first impression was that we had learned nothing new. On reading the subsequent report regarding the tests conducted on July and August at Bologna, I have to revise that assessment. I still feel that jubilation is premature⦠(ECatNews; September 9, 2012)
- Zurich â" Day 1 - Unsurprisingly, there is a schism between those who started out sceptical of Rossi's claims and those with a tendency to believe him when we look at the responses to today's Zurich play. I was neither disappointed nor surprised. Andrea Rossi had prepared us to temper our expectations⦠(ECatNews; September 8, 2012)
- E-Cat at high temperatures: After two validation tests - According to the Prometeon continue successfully the validation tests sull'Hot Cat, the E-Cat thought for the production of electricity. (GreenStyle.it; September 12, 2012)
- E-Cat, here is the video of the presentation by Andrea Rossi - The presentation of the E-Cat organized by Rossi was certainly a success, given the eco media had. Here are some excerpts. (GreenStyle.it; September 11, 2012)
- eCat Conference â" Zurich - I have no idea how useful it will be but the Zurich eCat Conference is now streaming live. So-far (and understandably) much of the talk is in German but as I write this, the speaker is using English. While I am happy to encourage robust debate, I⦠(ECatNews; September 8, 2012)
- Official Reports of E-Cat Measurement Data (August Tests) - You can read the two official reports of e-cat measurement data (some pics included) here and here. One report is of the August 7 Energy Catalyzer Test and the other is High Temperature Energy Catalyzer Test, July 16th 2011. (ECatReport; September 10, 2012)
- UPDATE: Live Stream of E-CAT Conference in Zurich - Here is a link for a Live Stream of the E-Cat-Hot Honeycomb Zurich conference taking place â" (EDIT) September 8-9. (sorry, original post had Sept.7th) http://www.ecat-deutschland.org/index.php/live-stream Here's a program pdf of the entire conference breakdown, schedule, etc. in English â" (â¦) (ColdFusionNow; September 7, 2012)
- E-cat Rossi presentation documents and test cold fusion. Report and video - An important presentation on the E-Cat and cold fusion, was the one that Andrea Rossi made between Saturday and Sunday 8 to 9 September in Geneva. (WebmasterPoint; September 10, 2012)
2012 E-Cat Conference Report: 1 MW E-Cat Ready - Here's my next installment on the E-Cat conference. Rather than fixating on how low the 2.5 COP is, remember that the most significant data is the Ragone plot, which puts the energy density in the same region as nuclear power. Donovan's theory on the atomic process. (PESN; September 11, 2012)
- Better Zurich eCat Video - If, like me, you struggled to hear the Zurich live feed over the weekend, you will thank Sterling Allan for the following videos. There are two but I will only embed one in fairness to Sterling and to encourage you to visit his site. Even though I⦠(ECatNews; September 11, 2012)
- High Temperature E-Cat Report Published - Below are three separate documents which comprise the report that Andrea Rossi has authorized for release. The first document is the main report, the second is a data file from this report, and the third contains some corrections to the first report and expanded information. Andrea Rossi asked that I issue this statement along... (E-CatWorld; September 8, 2012)
- Sterling Allan of PESN Reports on Zurich Conference - Sterling Allan of PESN has published a report of his experience at the Zurich E-Cat conference, and has provided some interesting details that have not yet come out of previous reports. He reports spending a lot of his time at the conferencewith Roger Green and William Donovan of E-Cat Australia, and also spoke with... (E-CatWorld; September 12, 2012)
- Interview with Andrea Rossi: Hot-Cat-Cat and Gas market soon - Exclusive Interview with Andrea Rossi Greenstyle: new revelations on time to market the E-Cat and absolute discretion of Siemens. (Greenstyle.it; September 13, 2012)
- E. Günther Report
- Report from Zurich Conference Attendee - The following report has been submitted by E. Günther who attended this weekend's E-Cat Conference in Zurich. Many thanks! 1) Many interesting people from different areas there. Quite some interested physicists like me but even more with less scientific but more business interest. Also there was a slight touch of esoterism. Of course rossi... (E-CatWorld; September 10, 2012)
- Zurich Attendee Says He Is Now Convinced Of Rossi's Work - One of the attendees of the e-cat convention in Zurich was E. Günther who submitted a very interesting report about the recently concluded convention. (ECatReport; September 10, 2012)
- Zurich Convention: LENR Experiments and Expectations - Zurich Convention is live with Andrea Rossi speaking! The Zurich Convention started yesterday, on September 8 and culminates today. The 2-day conference is also known as "Energy Turnaround with E-Cat Technology â" Revolutionary environmentally friendly⦠(ECatReport; September 8, 2012)
- Streaming
- Zurich E-Cat Conference Thread (Day 1) - I thought I would create an open thread for people who are following the September 8-9th E-Cat Conference in Zurich. It can be a place where people can post significant news and information coming out of the conference. I have made some arrangements to have some conference attendees send me reports, but I don't... (E-CatWorld; September 8, 2012)
- Zurich E-Cat Conference Thread (Day 2) - Here's open thread to discuss the events of Day 2 of the Zurich E-Cat conference. The live stream can be followed here here At the moment Andrea Rossi is answering questions from the audience. I did not catch it all but he did mentions working with someone from Siemens On transmutation from nickel to... (E-CatWorld; September 9, 2012)
- E-Cat Conference in Zurich â" Live Streaming - Gary has a link to the live stream from the conference. I'm here, attending, in the front row, so I can ask questions if you want to Skype them to me or to Gary, or via the live chat on SmartScarecrow. Coming up at 8:30 pm Swiss time (1:30 pm MDT) will be the data presentation. (SmartScarecrow; September 8, 2012)
- Rossi E-Cat: latest news on the program and live streaming event - For many fans of technology, but not limited to, the time has come coveted presentation of the E-Cat, the revolutionary device developed by Italian scientists Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi that would be able to produce a large amount of clean energy using the principle of cold fusion.Â
Here are the latest news about the event that is already doing discuss the global scientific community and will be able to watch live streaming on the site ECAT news. (dottortecnologia; September 8, 2012)
- E-CAT: Top 5 Questions Homo Scepticus - The wait for the convention in Zurich is now finished and, needless to say, the community of the evil homo scepticus (shown here in its reincarnation canina) was immediately put to use in making the fleas to everything that was presented, reported and proposed for the future of the technology behind the E-Cat invented and currently under development by Andrea Rossi. (22Passi; September 11, 2012)
- E-Cat Conference Commences in Zürich - Licensees of Andrea Rossi's e-Cat technology will begin a two day conference in Zürich on September 8. This is the first large scale meeting of worldwide licensees to be convened. (E-CatSite; September 7, 2012)
- Cold fusion IBTimes IT interview Aldo Proia CEO Prometeon Srl - A few days after the event to present the E-Cat, which took place in Zurich last weekend, Aldo Proia, commercial director and CEO of Prometeon Srl, the official licensee for Italy of the Leonardo Corporation, commented in exclusively for IB Times the latest news on cold fusion. (IBTimes; September 13, 2012)
- Final High Temperature E-Cat Report To Be Published Within Several Months - The high temperature e-cat report that Italian inventor Andrea Rossi presented last weekend at the Zurich Convention was a preliminary measurement of the e-cat technology. Rossi stressed that the final e-cat report is yet to be published. (ECatReport; September 12, 2012)
- Siemens
- Safety Certification
- Andrea Rossi Makes Available Safety Certificate from SGS - I have just received the following document from Andrea Rossi which is titled Voluntary Certificate of Compliance With Safety of Directive 2006/42/EC (Annex 1) The certificate records that it has been issued for the E-Cat 1 MW. It is listed as having a maximum electric power in of 200 kW, and potential power out as 1 MW, and states... (E-CatWorld; September 13, 2012)
- The director of the certification process, is Fabio Penon (nuclear engineer, expert of thermonuclear plants). On September 14, 2012 7:32 AM [MDT] he wrote: "I confirm that the voluntary safety certification of Mr Rossi's E-Cat 1 MW
took place." -- Sterling - E-Cat 1 MW certified by SGS - Some shit-site tell only lies, they build theorems lies, whose sole intent denigrate. They do it with such vehemence that often take sound and emblematic corners, as shutdownrossi for example, that he had "thorough investigation" to prove that the E-Cat was not my been certified by SGS, made ââby Andrea Rossi announced in Zurich: (22Passi; September 13, 2012)
- SGS Corporate Security â" No Certification for Rossi (Update #1) - Since UL is a private company they are not required to give any information about pending certification by any one company, but their standards and the process to create them IS public. There are no standards in place for a cold fusion/LENR type of product at UL or Global UL. (ShutDownRossi; September 12, 2012)
- SGS: No Record Of eCat Safety Certificate - ShutDownRossi.com â" has just published information consisting of email communications between the site's author and SGS staff where the testing company could not find any eCat safety certification. (FreeEnergyTruth; September 13, 2012)
- Rossi Responds to Allegations about Safety Certificate - Andrea Rossi has made the following statement in response to allegations from Gary Wright that Leonardo does not have certification for the 1 MW E-Cat. Dear Giuseppe B.: Mr "Gary Wright" (a false name that the coward snake â" The Snake- is using for cowardice) has contacted SGS in an unproper way and has put an unproper question. So... (E-CatWorld; September 13, 2012)
- Rossi Cons Mats Lewan Again? - So since the whole world has been covered by licensees why wasn't every one of them there at the convention? And where is the promised report of all of the worldwide licensees? (ShutDownRossi; September 11, 2012)
- Halted Swedish Investment - http://www.nyteknik.se/asikter/ledare/article3535984.eceÂ
- NyTeknik Reports on Halted Swedish Investment in Hydrofusion Following Tests [Update: Rossi Responds] - This just in published by Mats Lewan at NyTeknik. It reports that a group of Swedish investors were prepared to invest 65 million (euros?) Â into Hydrofusion, the company which is the licensee for the E-Cat products in northern Europe, and which is behind the Ecat.com website which accepts orders for E-Cat products. The article... (E-CatWorld; September 10, 2012)
- HotCat Fail For Hydrofusion â" Updated - Important Update from Mats Lewan of Ny Teknik at end of this post. Hydrofusion, the company behind Andrea Rossi's official web site at ecat.com (and his N European rep) has issued a press release indicating that it cannot support Rossi's claims for the HotCat. As I always⦠(ECatNews; September 10, 2012)
- Friendly Fire - I am sure that very few people imagined that the aftermath of the Zurich E-Cat conference would end the way it did. An event that was intended to shed more light on the E-Cat has given way to a state of confusion as Hydrofusion, one of Rossi's licensees, issued a press release casting doubt... (E-CatWorld; September 11, 2012)
- Discouraging news - Our friends at NyTeknik report: Swedish investment in E-cat halted after test (NickelPower; September 10, 2012)
- E-Cat Meeting: Neither "world premiere" or "energy revolution" - As the "World Premiere of the LENR reactor ECAT" announced conference by licensees of Leonardo Corp.. in Zurich at the weekend has been disappointing. In advance of the conference organized TransAltec AG in charge, there was a surprise: Magnus Holm, CEO of Hydro merger as part of the Northern European licensee of Andrea Rossi's Leonardo Corporation. announced after attending from a test of the ECAT in Bologna in early September that test results from the July / August could not be reproduced. (CleanThinking.de; September 10, 2012)
- The future of Theoretical Physics depends on Andrea Rossi - Indeed, as cold fusion reactions (responsible for transmutations) cannot themselves to explain the energy produced by the new Hot eCat, then there is need to consider another source of energy beyond the cold fusion nuclear reactions. And it is obvious that it's IMPOSSIBLE to explain such another additional source by taking in consideration the foundations of current Theoretical Physics. (ZPEnergy; September 8, 2012)
- E-Cat Conference Reports
- Defkalion - Hyperion
- Dropped in the Top 5 because it turns out that in their testing in March, they couldn't get their reactors to last longer than 2-3 hours. -- Sterling
- BrillouinÂ
- It Was A Brillouin Day - September 5, 2012 could be a significant day for energy and fuel history. It was also a very big day for Brillouin Energy with two large news leaks. (efie; September 7, 2012)
- Is the "Weak Force" the Key to LENR? - In the early part of the 20th Century physicists theorized that a mysterious force held the nucleus of an atom together. When it was demonstrated that this force could be tapped, releasing tremendous amounts of energy, a wave of excitement swept the scientific world. (IBTimes.co.uk; September 13, 2012)
- Report: Brillouin Granted Chinese Patent for LENR - The Cold Fusion Now website is reporting that Brillouin Energy Corporation has been granted a Chinese patent for its low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology. If this rumor is true it could mean that Brillouin is the only company which has been granted an LENR patent by one of the world's major powers. (EnergyCatalyzer3; September 7, 2012)
- NanoSpire, Inc.Â
- Ed Pope's Forewarning - There are many interesting people related to the NanoSpire story, but today I'll focus on just one: Edmond D. Pope, advisor to NanoSpire. He was present at one of the three times we know of that Mark LeClair's cavitation device was turned on... (PieEconomics; September 13, 2012)
- Pirelli High School
- Ugo Abundo Publishes Photos, Videos of Latest Hydrobetatron Reactor - Ugo Abundo, the Italian engineer and Pirelli High School instructor behind the Hydroton/Athanor open source cold fusion cell project has published a series of videos detailing the construction of the reactor. The model he is working with is now called the "Hydrobetatron", and a Youtube channel has now been set up where the videos are published. Unfortunately for English... (E-CatWorld; September 7, 2012)
- Cold Fusion: Abundo video presents its new reactor - Professor Ugo Abunndo lights video his cold fusion reactor. That cold fusion is really to revolutionize the world? (GreenStyle.it; September 10, 2012)
- Update HYDROBETATRON of 12/09/2012Â Â
From: Ugo Abubdo
A: Daniele Passerini (22passi)
Date:Â 07:31
Subject: wiring diagram HYDROBETAT RON and research spectrum rangeDear Daniel,
to provide the wiring diagram [ download PDF ] asked of some commentators, for which I have to thank the courtesy and promptness of Spaxio, please raise awareness of the work we do in the coming weeks, and which will provide the results as soon as will be interpreted. (22Passi; September 12, 2012)
- Rossi, Leonardo Corp - E-Cat
- General Cold Fusion
- Martin Fleischmann (1927â"2012) - Pioneering electrochemist who claimed to have discovered cold fusion. (Nature; September 5, 2012)
- Nature Magazine Publishes Obituary on Fleischmann - The following obituary appeared in Nature on September 6, 2012. Click the link below to read the entire obituary on Nature's website. "Although a final reckoning should not let genuine achievements be overshadowed by errors, the blot that cold fusion left on Martin Fleischmann's reputation is hard to expunge. (New Energy Times; September 7, 2012)
- Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project
- Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project Launches Web Site, Campaign - The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project has now launched its web site: www.quantumheat.org. The following is a message of introduction from the facilitators of the project. The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project would like to welcome all of you to participate in making a better, brighter, more secure future⦠Our initial aim is to work with you all to ensure one... (E-CatWorld; September 7, 2012)
- Fleischmann Project Website Launched - A laudable project has been launched recently by the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, which aims to make a better, brighter and more secure future. The Fleischmann project launched its official website:Â www.quantumheat.org. (ECatFusion; September 12, 2012)
- Cold fusion, will be completed in three months the validation process of the Hot Cat - In recent days, we have reported the three reports that the engineer Rossi has made ââpublic on the occasion of the conference of presentation of the E-Cat which took place in Zurich last weekend. Today Prometeon Srl , Italian E-Cat licensee, claims the success (InternationalBusinessTimes; September 12, 2012)
- Cold fusion IBTimes IT interview Aldo Proia - Has just been released a long interview with Aldo Proia, CEO of Prometeon Ltd., on INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES, which is listed as the third head online to the world economy. (22Passi; September 13, 2012)
- The Most Influential People in the World of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction - So who are the most influential people in the world of low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) or cold fusion? To answer that question we have created a list. (ColdFusion3; September 13, 2012)
- The 10 Best Cold Fusion Websites - Keeping abreast of the latest developments in cold fusion or low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) can be difficult because the mainstream media refuses to report on this subject. Fortunately there are a number of websites that do an excellent job of keeping tabs on what is happening in this important area. (ColdFusion3; September 13, 2012)
- DOD/DOE â" Cold Fusion/LENR Secrecy Policy - We have read many statements that the DOD/DOE is putting cold fusion/LENR patents into the secrecy file drawer. a) The fact many cold fusion/LENR patent applications have been published negates this myth. [not exactly; ask patent examiner Tom Valone] (ShutDownRossi; September 7, 2012)
- Martin Fleischmann (1927â"2012) - Pioneering electrochemist who claimed to have discovered cold fusion. (Nature; September 5, 2012)
- Events
- See Rossi E-Cat Conference info above.
- Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference Organizes Paradigm Change - An international conference sponsored by the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) will be held November 9, 10 and 11 in Hilversum Holland highlighting new energy science and technology. The program will feature LENR, as well as advanced physics concepts in (â¦) (ColdFusionNow; September 10, 2012)
- Sources:Â
- Dedicated
- Non-Dedicated
- Mainstream
- Nature 1
- InternationalBusinessTimes 2
- it.IBTimes 1
- IBTimes.co.uk 1
- NyTeknik 1
# # #
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PESN Coverage of E-Cat
For a more exhaustive listing, see News:Rossi_Cold_Fusion | Mainstream | News:Cold_Fusion Â
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- September 20, 2012 (PESN)
- 2012 E-Cat Conference Report: 1 MW E-Cat Ready (PESN; September 11, 2012)
- September 9: Andrea Rossi Q&A, Panel Discussion, Interview (PESN; September 10, 2012)
- Rossi Gives Third-Party Test Results from Hot Cat (PESN; September 9, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- September 6, 2012 (PESN; September 6, 2012)
- 2012 E-Cat Conference in Zurich (PESWiki; August 31, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 30, 2012 (PESN)
- A Barrel of a Hundred High Temperature E-Cats (PESN; August 30, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 23, 2012 (PESN)
- Existence of 1,200C E-Cat Test Report Confirmed (PESN; August 22, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 16, 2012 (PESN)
- Details Provided about Hot Cat Test Data Leaker (PESN; August 13, 2012)
- Stunning Third Party E-Cat Test Report Details Leaked During NIWeek (PESN; August 11, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 9, 2012 (PESN)
- Mainstream Coverage of Fleischmann's Death Mentions Nothing of Technology Nearing Marketplace (PESN; August 8, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- August 2, 2012 (PESN)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- July 26, 2012 (PESN)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- July 19, 2012 (PESN)
- National Instruments Provides Tools for Cold Fusion Researchers (PESN; July 18, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- July 12, 2012 (PESN)
- The Ultimate E-Cat Cold Fusion Transmutation (PESN; July 8, 2012)
- Jim Dunn's Report on LENR conference in Williamsburg (PESN; July 7, 2012)
- The Rossi E-Cat Zooms Ahead of the Higgs Boson (PESN; July 7, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- July 5, 2012 (PESN)
- Scorching Solid State E-Cat Temperatures Allow for Countless Applications (PESN; July 3, 2012)
- The New Solid State E-Cat (PESN; June 15, 2012)
- LENR-to-Market Weekly -- June 28, 2012 (PESN)
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