Deadline to Submit your feedback to the OPA on the draft FIT 2.0

April 27th is the deadline to submit your feedback to the Ontario Power Authority on the draft FIT 2.0 rules, contract and definitions. 
Do you want to help improve the program? Then get your input in to the Ontario Power Authority to ensure that they have your great ideas on how to improve the program.
Haven't had time to go through everything yet? OSEA has pulled together helpful documents that can assist you based that include the following:
  1. Priority recommendations
  2. Secondary recommendations
  3. Black lined edits in support of the priority recommendations (already inserted into the OPA reporting form for easy copy and pasting).
You can download the full document here:
DownloadOSEA Submission on the Draft FIT 2.0 Rules (PDF)
Here is their summary slide deck of the Priority recommendations which can be downloaded here:
7 things to make FIT 2.0 a success - Minister of Energy and OPA briefing notes(PDF)

They have also left the Appendix containing the black lined recommendations in word format using the OPA's form for easier editing here:
DownloadDownload the Priority recommendations (Word doc)
The Appendix provides the black lined specific edits to the rules that OSEA is recommending in support of the Primary Recommendations. You will need to cut and paste the comments into your own form which is available at for the FIT and for the MicroFIT programs respectively.  

Email your submission to to the Ontario Power Authority at and CC Minister Chris Bentley at

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