New BP challenge to size spill influence could fine (AP)

WASHINGTON BP is mounting a new challenge of U.S. Government estimates of how much oil from the runaway well deep flowed under the Gulf of Mexico, an argument that reduce from billions of dollars Federal pollution could fines, for the largest offshore oil faces in history to spill.

BP's lawyers argue, that the Government contested the spilling of 20 to 50 percent, employees work for the presidential elections spill oil Commission Friday said. By the associated press says BP of Government spill estimate of 206 million gallons "overvalued by a significant amount" is retrieved in a 10 page document and any consensus on this number said the company is premature and inaccurate.

The company sent the Commission document, the Ministry of Justice and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"Rely on incomplete or inaccurate information, the recovery in large part on assumptions not validated and are subject to the far greater uncertainties as confirmed," wrote BP. "BP intends to present fully own estimate as soon as the information available is the science to get right."

The company said in a statement Friday estimates of the Government for equipment, the flow of oil and gas, such as for example, Blowout preventer which hinder his numbers could account "very unreliable."

BP's request could save you as much as $ 10.5 billion, or as little as $1.1 billion, depending on factors such as whether the Government comes to the conclusion that BP acted negligently. For context, protection agency was's environmental US all federal budget for $2010 10.3 billion. President Barack Obama said he wants to put Congress to set aside some of the money BP pays for fines for the Gulf of coastal restoration. Louisiana legislators urge legislation that would require at least 80 percent of the civil and criminal penalties against BP and other companies, are returned to the Gulf Coast.

William k. Reilly, co-Chair of the Presidential Commission astonishment at BP's case Friday expressed. O'Reilly was the environmental protection agency under President George h. Bush.

"Go to say that it 50% less" than the Government throughout? Reilly asked. "Wow."

Under the clean water Act, the oil Giants - owned and operated by the well - faces fines of up to $1,100 for each barrel oil that spilled. If BP found committed gross negligence or intent, the fine might be up to $4,300 per barrel.

This means that on the Government's estimate of 206 million gallons, BP could only face civil fines ranging between $5.4 billion and US $ 21.1 billion.

"You go to argue it less, was," said Priya Aiyar, Deputy chief counsel of the Commission. "BP has not yet offered his own numbers but BP told us that it thinks the Government figures are too high and thinks, the actual throughput may be actually 20 to 50 percent less."

Republic Edward j. Markey, D-mass., a member of the House energy panels examined spill, said in a statement Friday to the AP, BP has done, what it could to avoid spilling the true flow rate of.

"With billions of dollars at stake, it is no surprise that are now that much to process numbers, compromising you wanted", Markey said. "The Government hired independent scientists and several techniques to reach your estimate." Additional independent peer-reviewed studies have confirmed your estimate. "BP has this estimate overthrow a high bar to meet."

BP's argument could be strengthened by the Federal Government missteps in coming up with a final estimate for the spill's volume. The Obama Government has almost 10 estimates how much oil from the BP well raft, coming up with a refined degree end month of 206 million gallons, which probably last to his offered.

Internal documents released late Friday under the freedom of Information Act show that the White House was closely involved in critical scientific information to the public, was presented, especially when it comes to August came 4 version of a document that showed where the spilled oil had gone. The five page report has been touted by Carol Browner, energy advisor to the President on morning talk shows and White House Press Conference showed that half the oil was way - either by evaporation, burn, skimming or recovery at the well head.

The 3,500 pages of documents show that the Government wanted to show the oil budget, their efforts have been working to deal with the disaster, despite the objections of top EPA officials, including administrator Lisa Jackson, about how some of the data introduced.

An earlier version of the press release which said the paper that 33 percent of the oil was released captured or mitigated by recovery efforts.

A final version changed said hours before its release, the spilled oil recovery fixed 'vast majority' efforts had naturally scattered or evaporates.

Appeared this morning, Browner on national television that say that an initial assessment of Federal scientists showed "More than three-quarters of the oil is gone."

In an E-mail sent later this morning addressed to Browner's Assistant, Heather Zichal, criticized NOAA chief Jane Lubchenco with White House interpretation of report numbers and granting report exclusively on NOAA. The report was drafted by multiple agencies.

"I am concerned that oil budget report shows how he said that 75 percent of the oil is gone and that this is a NOAA report to hear," writes Lubchenco. "Please help ensure both fixed." The White House acknowledged Browner had transmission poke.

It was only right to say that half of the oil was gone Lubchenco explains.


Associated press writer Seth Borenstein and Matthew Daly in Washington and Harry R. Weber in New Orleans contributed to this report.



National Commission for oil spill:

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