Energize the Future Through Landfill Gasification

Landfill gas (LFG) is a complex mix of many different gases created through the action of microorganisms within a landfill. As the putrescible materials in the landfill begins to breakdown, landfill gas production results. When the chemical reactions and microbes act upon the waste. Production rate is directly affected by landfill geometry and by the waste composition. These factors influence the bacterial populations within the landfill, its chemical makeup, entry of moisture, escape of gas and its thermal characteristics.

Landfills are by nature heterogeneous. Within most sites, there is a wide range of biological ecosystems and physical conditions. The heterogeneity and the unclear nature of the contents makes LFG production difficult to calculate and control compared to the standard industrial bioreactors in sewage treatment. The constant production of landfill gas causes the gas' discharge into the atmosphere. Environmental, security problems and hygiene issues become great concerns emanating from such emissions. Additionally, the risks of fire, explosion, and the contamination of groundwater by organic compounds exist in nearly all landfills.

Gas produced in the landfills must be monitored due to the risk presented by the LFG as some of these gases produced are hazardous. Monitoring techniques have been developed. To measure methane levels and total VOC levels, flame ionization detectors can be used. Monitoring of the surface, the sub-surface as well as the ambient air has to be carried out regularly.

LFG is about 40% to 60% methane and the rest is mostly carbon dioxide. It also contains varying quantity of water vapor, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants that are non-methane organic compounds (NMOCs). These NMCOs typically make up less than 1% of the LFG. Mercury, an inorganic contaminant may also be found in landfill gas.

LFG are managed through
• Flaring
• Boiler (heat making)
• Internal combustion engine (electricity production)
• Gas turbine (electricity production)
• Fuel cell (electricity production)
• Conversion of methane to methyl alcohol

It has been estimated that there are about six thousand landfills in the US alone. Most of these landfills are composed of municipal waste, thus already producing methane. These are principal sources of anthropogenic methane emission in the US contributing to an estimated 460 billion cubic feet of methane each year.

Gases produced from landfills can be collected and be used to generate heat or electricity. Landfill gasification (converting methane gas into power) projects have increased since 2005. They have been very popular because they control energy costs and lessen greenhouse emissions. Waste management uses LFG as its energy source. It can generate enough energy to power 400 thousand homes every day which in effect can offset nearly 2 million tons of coal each year.

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Cogeneration: The Heat and Power Combination Meant to Be

Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is one great method to save energy by recapturing and reusing heat that would have been wasted. CHP, heat reclamation, heat recovery or cogeneration is combining heat and power and is well developed, in use by many industries. Keeping the surroundings comfortable as it generates eco friendly electricity, reducing the harmful greenhouse gases and cutting utility costs are the benefits to consider maximizing before installing any combined heat and power systems in the homes.

The development in cogeneration is towards a quiet, clean, reliable micro turbine generator that does not need generally require special (additional) permits to install. They do not emit any environment damaging emissions.

During electricity production, all thermal power plants emit heat that is released into the natural environment through flue gas, cooling towers and other means. Cogeneration captures some or most of the end product heat and uses it in different ways.

Cogeneration is common in pulp and paper mills, chemical plants and refineries. It has been practical since the earliest installations of electrical production. Before the central station distributes power, industries generate their own power by using exhaust steam for their process heating. Shopping malls, hotels commercial buildings and offices commonly generate their own power and they use waste steam for building heat. Combined power and heat continues to be available for many years now because of the economy and the incessant increase of power costs.

Thermal power plants, including those plants that use fissile elements (burn coal, natural gas or petroleum) and heat engines, do not convert all the thermal energy into electricity. Most heat engines, more than half is lost as excess heat. Capturing the excess heat, combined heat and power (CHP) uses heat that would have been wasted in a conventional power plant. CHP can reach an efficiency of up to 80% for the best conventional plants. This is better because less fuel is needed to produce the same amount of useful energy.

Cogeneration's viability depends on a good base load of operation (more especially on the smaller CHP installations) for both the onsite electrical demand and heat demand. In reality, an accurate match of heat and electricity rarely exists. A CHP plant can either meet the need for heat or be run as a power plant with a little use of its waste heat. Its viability is greatly increase in trigeneration, in which case, the heat from the CHP plant is used also as a main source to deliver cooling through an absorption chiller.

CHP is considered as one of the most cost efficient methods of reducing carbon emissions of heating during winter time and in cold climates.

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Energy Consultant Benefits In Saving You Money And The Environment

An increasingly larger number of households and business owners are getting troubled with the higher utility bills. Several companies have to reduce the number of employees or shutdown their businesses due to financial distress resulting due to high bills. Homeowners need to cut down on expenses to meet these high costs; therefore, an excellent way to reduce the bill is to take the help of an energy consultant.

Such professionals can guide homeowners and enterprises to find different methods that can reduce their electricity bills. The first thing the consultants do is to analyze the past bills in details. This enables them to identify if the service providers have charged more than the normal tariffs, which is often the case.

Although, the service providers may not overcharge their clients the possibility of errors does exist. Often such amounts are very small and generally overlooked by the customers as well as the service providers. However, when such errors occur regularly, the result may be a significant increase in the total expense for the utility.

These professionals are experienced and knowledgeable about the industry. Moreover, they are well connected to all the major and minor service providers within the community. Therefore, the consultants are able to provide the best possible solutions based on your personal requirements.

Another major advantage of hiring the services of these professionals is that they can provide numerous methods to reduce the consumption of energy in your homes and offices. Moreover, they can suggest alternative methods to generate the required electricity to satisfy your demand. Therefore, in addition to reducing your energy bill, you will also be able to protect the ecological balance and prevent environmental damage.

Homeowners and business owners do not have to pay the service fees of such consultants. This is because the suppliers compensate these professionals for every client generated by him or her. Therefore, you are able to reap the advantages of their services without incurring any expense, which makes this an excellent option for every home and business owner.

The professionals work with all the suppliers in the neighborhood. Therefore, based on your requirements, the professionals are able to procure the best possible rates to meet your demand. Thus, you are able to save a significant amount of money by lowering your electricity bills.

One of the important drivers for the growth of such professionals is the increasing awareness about the various renewable energy sources. The growth in this segment is forecast to continue increasing for the next several years. Therefore, the demand for experienced and qualified professionals who are able to work in this industry is increasing.

In addition to the above mentioned benefits, an energy consultant provides homeowners and business owners guidance on basic mechanisms that can significantly lower the utility bills. Some of these recommendations can be simple like keeping the windows closed or turning the boilers off over the weekends. In addition, they can provide other complex methods that can result in saving as much as thirty percent on your total electricity bill.

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Energy Storage: Pumped Hydro Storage Solution

Pumped hydro storage is one type of hydro electric power generation and storage used by utilities for load balancing. This method of energy storing is in water form, pumped from a lower elevated reservoir to a higher elevation reservoir. The pumps are run by low cost off peak electric power. The stored water is released during periods of high electrical demand through traditional turbines to generate electric power. This system adds electric power during peak demand periods when electricity rates are highest. The largest capacity form of grid energy storage available is the pumped storage. It accounts for more than 99% of storage capacity worldwide.

Most facilities use the elevation differences between bodies of water or artificial reservoirs. Pure pumped storage plants shifts the water in between reservoirs. A combination of this and conventional hydro electric plants is called the pump back approach. It uses natural stream flow. Conventional hydro electric plants do not use pumped storage.

Considering the evaporation losses from the exposed water surface and the conversion losses, an estimated 70% to 80% of the electric energy used to pump the water up to the higher reservoir can be recovered. This method is the most cost effective means in storing large amounts of electric energy in an operating basis. Critical decision aspects include capital cost and the appropriate geographical locations (i.e., proximity to demand and transmission capacity). It is a requirement for low energy density pumped storage systems to have large bodies of water or large variations in height.

One effective way to store a great amount of energy is through a large body of water situated on a hill. This occurs naturally in some places while it is man made in other places. This is very cost effective because it flattens out load difference on the power grid, allowing thermal power stations like coal fired plants, nuclear plants and renewable energy power plants to provide base load power to continue operating during peak efficiency. Capital costs for purpose built hydro storage however are relatively high. Thermal plants are less able to respond to sudden demand in electric power, while for pumped storage plants like any other hydro electric plants can respond to load changes even in just a few seconds.

Italy and Switzerland were the first two countries to use pumped storage in the 1890s. The United States first use pumped storage in 1930 by the Connecticut Electric and Power Company.

The five largest operational pumped-storage plants in the world now are the following:
1. Bath County Station- Virginia, United States (with a 3,003 megawatt capacity)
2. Guangdong Power Station - China (with a 2,400 megawatt capacity)
3. Okutataragi Hydroelectric Power Station - Japan (with a 1,932 megawatt capacity)
4. Ludington Power Plant - Michigan, United States (with a 1,872 megawatt capacity)
5. Tianhuangping Power Station- China (with a 1,836 megawatt capacity)

Pumped storages' new use is to level fluctuating outputs of intermittent power sources. Pumped storages supply a load at times of high electricity output and during low demand of electricity, making it possible for additional system peak capacity. Pumped storage systems help in controlling electrical network frequency and generate reserve generation aside from energy management.

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Events That Rely on Temporary Power Solutions

Without the invention of temporary power solutions, many events that have become so intrinsic to 21st century culture wouldn't even be possible. Can you imagine a life without the occasional outdoor festival or sporting event? Have you ever thought about how much the little community spirit we have left these days relies on the availability of electricity?

Outdoor Markets

Market culture is alive and well throughout the world from souks in the Middle East, to travelling vintage markets in Australia, to farmers' markets in the United Kingdom. Many retailers sell chilled or warm food stuffs and beverages, some operate electronic cash registers.

Not all markets are permanent features in permanent locales. Many now operate as "pop up" events once a month or even less often. Due to their temporary nature, they rely on power generators to provide them with the electricity needed to power devices such as fridges, grills, and tills.

Village Fêtes

Many smaller communities still keep up the age old tradition of organising village fêtes. These are a great way for neighbours to get to know each other and establish close community ties. Often held as charity events on village greens, church or school grounds, the fêtes feature attractions like talent shows, dances, games, raffles, and food stalls. They are organised by teams of local volunteers.

Sound systems are a common feature to enable speeches to be made, and music to be played. Food stalls are also likely to be kitted out with refrigerators, grills or microwaves. Of course, for these to function, power generators are required.


Music festivals would be very primitive without access to power. Think of all those shows without half the amount of instruments, no microphones, and no light effects!

Obviously, music festival grounds aren't permanent. Most equipment is acquired on a rental basis from marquees to stage lighting for the duration of the event.

Food vendors travel from near and far to make money from festival goers who love at least one warm meal a day. They need access to equipment that will let them preserve, heat and chill food and beverages. For all this to be possible, electricity is a must.

Sporting Events

From school sports days, to marathons, to the Olympic games, all outdoor sporting events are possible thanks to generator rental. The temporary power solution ensures the provision of sound systems, big screens, and electronic score keepers.

It also lets food and drinks be served from temporary stalls, and in certain cases bets to be placed on individual athletes or animal sports stars.

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Five Advantages of Solar Energy

Solar energy has received much attention in the media recently. Rising power costs and the impact of fossil fuels on our environment are just two of the issues that are leading green-minded and cost-conscious consumers to choose solar power. There are many reasons to consider solar energy for your power needs, but the top five remain:

Advantage #1 - Reduced Energy Costs

One of the greatest advantages of solar energy is that the more you use your solar power system, the less you have to rely on your local electric utility company. After all, the sunlight is available for free -- it is only the installation and maintenance of the solar energy system that represents a cost to the consumer. In fact, investing in a high-performing, high-output system can actually result in you being able to resell electricity back to the utility, allowing you to make money on your system!

Advantage #2 - Clean Energy

The sun provides clean, natural energy without the associated particular air pollution of traditional energy sources from fossil fuels. Even nuclear power, a relatively recent development in alternative power, produces radioactive material that must be managed at great cost and danger. Solar power is a renewable, sustainable power source that is good for the planet.

Advantage #3 - Ease of Installation

While it's true that the installation of solar panels can be done by a savvy home or business owner, a qualified, knowledgeable installer can have your system up and running in no time with few modifications to the existing structure.

Advantage #4 - Emergency Power

Does your area suffer from power outages during storms or from an overtaxed power grid system? If your home or business does not have a back-up generator this can translate into uncomfortable living conditions and even loss of revenue, for businesses. Solar energy systems typically are designed with a battery that stores power for use when the sun is not shining and for when electricity is not available, so no matter what takes the power down in your neighborhood, you can be sure with solar energy that you can still be up and running!

Advantage #5 - Tax Incentives

Due to the current emphasis on alternative power sources, the federal government offers significant tax incentives for home and business owners to choose solar energy. In fact, even some states have gotten on the bandwagon and offer their own incentives to consumers. Between state and federal government incentives, you might find that the cost of your system is nearly paid for!

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Regulation and Energy - Let's Be Fair and Not Cut Off The Hand Which Feeds Us

Most folks would agree we need at least some regulation when it comes to energy and fuel, still, most of those screaming about more regulation focus all their attention on the fossil fuels, than on the alternative energy side of things. Believe me when I tell you that there are laws of physics involved in conversion of energy into electricity or fuel, and anytime you harvest or generate from type of energy to create work, you run into issues of waste, efficiency, and production challenges - that's the reality, so let's discuss this shall we?

Not so long ago, an individual explained to me that he'd certainly like to see more oversight when it comes to energy regulation, and he'd also like to create new innovative ways to make energy as well. Okay, that sounds great. Still, before we get into all this, one should take a look at where we are falling down. Such things as the CO2 needed to make concrete, or the steel towers for win-turbines for instance, and really that's just one of the issues of our lopsided and bias energy regulations.

You see, it takes coking coal to get the temperature correct for making steel and that puts out soot and CO2. And CO2 is a waste product of making concrete as well, and I am not saying CO2 is evil as some do, but why the double standards? Therefore, I indicated to my acquaintance, that when he mentions his desire to develop and regulate new energy forms, that we need to consider other issues too, so I asked; "what specifically do you feel would be the first order of business?"

Again some more examples and thinking here; for instance, wind turbine ultrasound issues, solar cell etching compound use, fracking oversight, subsidies on biofuels, ocean wave energy sea life mitigation, clean-coal capture, hydrogen cell advection fog creation, hazardous waste car battery disposal, hydro-power over regulation, tar sands water treatment? What issues should we be concerned with here?

And when it comes to alternative energy such as large solar farms what about putting in the power transmission lines to the middle of nowhere into the desert to connect up to it? Then for those in the steel pipe sector, again it takes CO2 to make those pipes, and how about the need to require ethanol pipe ceramic linings and spill catch systems when moving biofuels?

You see, the reality is, we need energy, lots of it, and it must be low-priced, abundant, and completely reliable - regardless of what's used? Perhaps, you my reader would you agree or do you have other thoughts on this - or other points of contention? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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Straight Talk On The Peak Oil Scare

Well, in the 1970s they claimed peak oil theory, but obviously that hasn't happened yet. We keep finding more oil around the globe, and more fossil fuels, and it doesn't look like we're going to run out anytime soon, or leave you stranded on the side of the road because there is no gas at the gas station. All of that was just fear-based nonsense, and bad scientific figuring. It is amazing how technology and entrepreneurs will always find a way. Okay so let's talk about this for second shall we?

You see, not only are we finding more oil reserves, we are finding better ways to get more oil out of what's there. The Wall Street Journal had a decent piece published on June 27, 2012 titled; "Investment Boom Means Fears of Peak Oil Have Peaked" by Liam Denning which noted that we are doing extremely well in the US with regards to oil and gas, thanks to fracking and shale oil.

On that same day CFR or the Council on Foreign Relations had posted a talk with "Rex W. Tillerson, chairman and chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil Corporation, discussing North America's natural gas and oil resources, technological innovations, and their effect on the global energy market."

He noted that today North America produces today million barrels a day (Mexico, Canada, and USA) and by 2020 he predicts 18 million barrels no problem - with an earnest goal to do more. So you see Peak oil is pure fantasy. And even if there will be a time when we are very close to running out of oil, it's not going to be in the next couple of decades, so there is plenty of time for an alternative energy transition for our transportation fuels before then.

Apparently, many folks believe global warming will be the death of us all, but the reality is that a warming period is much better and more abundant for life on earth than the opposite or an Ice Age for instance. Therefore we should welcome the warmth, and stop complaining. It also means that the alternative energy sector, and the global warming alarmists need to pony up, advance their technologies, and compete in the free market at a fair and equitable price.

These new technologies currently can't compete with gas and oil, although maybe someday they will. Until then, let's use what we've got, keep our economy strong, and stop worrying that were going off some sort of a climate cliff because that's just insanely naïve, and we don't need any more of that purported nonsense or scare tactics from environmentalists. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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Tracking Solar PV Systems Explained

Solar tracking systems are a great way to maximize the efficiency of solar panels. They track the sun's motion across the sky and depending on the type of system, the increase of energy output in solar panels may increase by 25% to 45%. Tracking systems are easily installed and needs little to no maintenance depending on the kind of solar trackers installed.

Types of Solar Trackers

Passive Trackers (Thermally operated). These trackers are inexpensive and quite reliable for they require no electrical parts. These are thermally operated and use a low boiling point working fluid (Freon 12). The fluid is driven to one side by solar heat vaporizing the fluid, driving the hydraulic dampers which are used to control the movement of these trackers. Passive trackers work best in places where sunlight is abundant. They perform less well in cold and windy places. The drawbacks include the requirement of solar heat making it ineffective during winter months. Also, it takes an hour in the morning to heat the system enough to operate. Another disadvantage is that it only tracks the sun's east to west axes and does not track the seasonal north to south motion of the sun. This results to manual adjustments at least four times annually to compensate for the seasonal differences.

Active Trackers (Electrically operated). These are mechanized devices that require routine maintenance. Active trackers use motors and gear trains to lead the tracker as directed by a controller responding to the solar direction. They are extremely precise in measuring the sun. The dual axis trackers track the sun's movement from east to west and the seasonal changes along the south to north axis. The photovoltaic (PV) array is always perpendicular to the direction of the sun. These trackers do not rely on temperatures so it can efficiently operate even on winter months. The only concern about active trackers is the regular maintenance required to run them.

Solar trackers are one great way in making the best out of the solar panels. Choose the solar tracker that will work best in your area of location. Passive or thermally operated trackers will be most efficient if you live in a place with temperate and have a lot of sun. On the other hand, active or electronically operated trackers would be the best system that can be used in colder climates and cold winters.

Whichever system is chosen and use, it may be practical and beneficial to have one on any PV system when affordable.

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Utility Scale Solar Power

Utility scale solar power pertains to large power plants and solar farms to generate and supply power to many users. It is enjoyed by US states like Nevada, Arizona and California and in southern parts of Europe and Asian countries. Utility Scale Solar Power brings clean and dependable power for homes and establishments including residential, commercial and industrial users. Since time in memorial, solar energy has been there and in the past decades it has moved forward to the point that it is now possible to generate power in sunny areas supplying commercial solar power on a large scale, enough to power communities.

There are two primary categories of solar energy: Solar thermal and solar photovoltaic (PV) cells.

1. Solar thermal. The sun warms a fluid to generate steam which is used to drive a steam turbine and generator to produce electric power. In utility scale projects, mirrors can be used to accurately concentrate the sun's light more intensely to produce heat.

2. Photovoltaic cells. PV cells use a semiconductor to absorb the sun's energy and convert it to electric power. The most common semiconductor material being used for solar cells is silicon. The moment the silicon semiconductor absorb sunlight, the energy is then released into the semiconductor as electrons. The free electrons which are bouncing haphazardly create consumable energy when they begin to move in the same direction through an electrical field. This process creates electrical current that can be used to power houses, equipment and appliances.

Photovoltaic solar cells must be combined in order for utility energy to come from a solar array. Concentrated PV technologies installed as linked cells can use a multi junction system to join the cells creating a significant increase in the energy output.

Small PV applications include powering up a flashlight, garden lights, calculator, cell phones, street signs and small hydro pumps. For midsize uses, PV use includes powering up a part of a home, farm equipment or big box stores. For large scale uses, it can be used as central power plants.

In many ways, energy efficiency for commercial solar power has improved. Fresnel lenses are used to increase the energy collection and output efficiently. These lenses are the same as the ones being used in theater lighting and video projectors. The lenses focus on large quantities of sunlight into the concentrated PV cells and increase the energy output efficiently. Additional components are required in order to track the position of the sun in relation to the PV solar array. This positions the arrays in the best direction and location to absorb the sun's rays, thus increasing the system's efficiency.

Utility scale solar power for large uses is new and constantly developing, allowing more general interests and governmental focus. Modern technology have come up with many solar technologies making it possible for commercial solar power meet its needs or even increasing to fuel an entire city.

ReTech Power and Water Engineering specializes in leading edge renewable energy development, with a history of tackling some of the most challenging engineering problems of the day. Our global experience spans 35 years of diverse project engagement and positions us perfectly to address the current thrust into the much needed renewable energy development of today.
For more information on renewable energy, visit our website at http://www.retecheng.com/

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